The Promised Land

by Chuck Berry

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:49 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Yow - The Primo Collection

Song Author

Chuck Berry

Tabbed by

Rick Devone


1st → Guitar 1
2nd → Vocals
3rd → Guitar 2

File Size

50 KB




I left my home in Nor-folk, Vir-gi-nia, Cal-i-for-nia on my mind. I strad-dled that Grey-hound and rode him in-to Ra-leigh and on a-cross Car-o-line. We stopped in Char-lotte, but by-passed Rock Hill, we ne-ver was a mi-nute late. A, we was nine-ty miles out of At-lan-ta by sun-down, rol-lin' out of Geor-gia State. We had more trou-ble that turned in-to a strug-gle half way a-cross Al-a-bam', and that 'Hound broke down and left us all stran-ded in down-town Bir-ming-ham. Right a-way I bought me a through train tic-ket, ri-din' 'cross Mis-sis-sip-pi clean. And I was on that Mid-night Fly-er out of Bir-ming-ham smo-kin' in-to New Or-leans. Some-bo-dy help me get out of Lou-'si-an-a, just help me get to Hous-ton town. There are a peo-ple there who care a lit-tle 'bout me and they won't let the poor boy down. Sure as you're born, they bought me a silk suit, and put lug-gage in my hand. And I woke up high o-ver Al-bu-quer-que on a jet to the Pro-mised Land. A wor-kin' on a T-bone steak a la car-te, fly-in' o-ver to the Gol-den State, a when the pi-lot told us in thir-teen mi-nutes he would set us at the ter-mi-nal gate. Swing low, cha-ri-ot, come down ea-sy, tax-i to the ter-mi-nal zone. Cut your en-gines and cool your wings and let me make it to the tel-e-phone. Los An-ge-les, give me Nor-folk, Vir-gi-nia Tide-wa-ter four-teen o nine. Tell the folks back home this is the Pro-mised Land cal-lin' and the poor boy's on the line.